Zonta Day at Chautauqua

You’re invited to spend a day together with the Zonta Club of Jamestown!

Please join us on the beautiful grounds of Chautauqua Institution for a day of learning, reflecting and friendship.

Each year, we host Zonta Day at Chautauqua during a Chautauqua Institution program week that corresponds to our mission and vision of Zonta International.  The key speakers at the Amphitheater are always enlightening and thought-provoking.

Once we have more information we’ll post a registration form here.

***Please browse the Chautauqua website www.chq.org for details on all that Chautauqua has to offer while on the grounds. Additional ticket is needed to stay on grounds past 2:00. (Ask at registration for information) ***Security Policy- all bags need to be max. 4.5”x 6.5” OR the bag needs to be clear. Please have ID available.

Cost: $VARIES (US) $VARIES (CAN) Includes Gate Pass 8:00am – 2:00pm, lunch, and speakers. Parking is an additional fee.